Ice Bank Beer Chiller vs Glycol Beer Chiller

 Most people would agree that beer is a beverage best served chilled. Cold beer not only tastes better but also foams less, allowing the vendor to maximise volume and profits for each keg.

There are a couple of options for systems that will chill tap beer. You can choose either an ice bank beer chiller system or a glycol beer chiller system. Each system has benefits and will work for different circumstances and budgets.

What is an Ice Bank Beer Chiller?

An ice bank beer chiller works by utilizing coils that sit in a water bath. There is an inbuilt refrigerator unit that chills the water bath, allowing it to produce storage banks of ice. This works to chill the beer’s temperature when it is pulled through the coil.

When is an Ice Bank Chiller used?

An ice bank chiller is ideal for small to medium venues between 1 and 6 taps, but cannot handle the higher volume requirements of a larger venue. The ice bank chiller system is affordable and easy to install, making it a great choice for small, locally owned businesses looking for a simple solution.

Ice bank chiller systems can cool not only beer, but also the wine, water, and cocktails, making it a great versatile option for a range of smaller venue types. Costs vary widely with these systems but the setup costs for ice bank chillers are generally lower than other kinds of systems. They will, however, require replacement more frequently, so they are not a great long-term investment if you are serving a very high volume of beer.

What is a Glycol Beer Chiller?

In contrast, glycol chillers use a bath of glycol, otherwise known as antifreeze. Cooled glycol from the glycol bath is then pumped through additional plastic tubes alongside the beer line. The temperature is typically set to around -3° celsius, but you will be able to change it if you need to. There will generally also be a thermostat that sits inside the glycol bath which surveils the temperature.

When is a Glycol Beer Chiller used?

Glycol chillers are used by a huge range of venues. They are commonly used by breweries because they can keep things cool at every step of the process that needs it. They can be used by venues of any size, but are typically installed by larger venues with a high volume requirement.

Glycol chillers are more costly to install than ice banks but are sized specifically for the venue. The great thing about this type of system is that it becomes more cost-effective the more you use it. When properly maintained, the system can last up to 15 years.

If you need help choosing the best beer cooling system for your venue, our team can help. We are your expert local Brisbane refrigeration mechanic team, with experience in all areas of commercial refrigeration Brisbane. All So Cool can help you choose the right system, and make sure that it stays in the best condition.

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