Summer Maintenance Checklist for Your Hospitality Venue

Summer is here, and after the year we’ve all had there are going to be a lot of Queenslanders wanting to make the most of the hot weather and easing restrictions. Hospitality venues are about to be hit by a major holiday rush. Now is the time to do a thorough check and make sure your equipment is up to scratch. 

When your venue starts to boom during summer, you want to ensure you are well prepared for all your customers. A bad review can go a long way towards bringing down your trusted brand. You can avoid this by ensuring that your venue is up to date on its preventative maintenance, reactive maintenance, and other major projects before the mad rush.

Heavy-Duty Summer Maintenance Checklist

Larger maintenance projects are usually behind the scenes, and easier to overlook. They can have the biggest impacts though, which means that it’s important to undergo preventative maintenance regularly. The heavy-duty summer maintenance checklist includes:

  • Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
  • Electrical work and safety compliance
  • Plumbing and water conservation
  • Exterior and landscape maintenance

Ongoing Summer Maintenance Checklist

It is important to regularly check and maintain smaller-scale projects as well as the larger projects discussed above. These are projects that can directly impact your patrons daily. Here’s a smaller scale maintenance checklist for hospitality venues:

  • Your refrigeration units, whether in the kitchen or the bar, must be maintained and cleaned well to protect the health and safety of your patrons. Poorly performing commercial refrigeration can lead to spoilt food and dissatisfying beverages.
  • Phone lines and internet services can give out at any moment. Be ready to respond to connection problems by keeping your service provider on speed dial.
  • If room furnishings or light fixtures are out of order, your guests will be decidedly upset. Make sure rooms and public spaces are clean and in working order.
  • Similarly, aesthetic and structural projects should be sorted out before the summer. Make sure chipped paint or torn wallpaper is mended, and that carpeting and flooring are clean, stable, and safe for everyone.
  • Hospitality venue management software should be backed up and monitored by staff throughout the busy season. The last thing you want is to lose your precious client data, or your ability to process sales and stock.

Commercial Refrigeration Specific Tips for Summer

Check for any Damage or Wear on the Doors.

The seals on your business refrigerator’s doors might wear down over time. As a result, the cold air will begin to leak out, affecting the system’s overall efficiency. This is why you must check the seals and alignment of the doors on a regular basis. If you detect any draughts of air coming from the fridge, it is advisable to have them contact us to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Keep the Refrigerator from Getting Too Warm on the Outside Too

Refrigeration systems work best when they are not in close proximity to heat. You’ll simply get more out of them. Thinks about Commercial Fridges on the Gold Coast where it’s known for being one of Australia’s sweat capitals in summer – you would want to keep the fridge away from the harsh summer heat over Surfers Paradise.

Furthermore, do all you can to keep the system as far away from any heat-emitting appliances or gadgets as feasible. If at all possible, locate it somewhere with ample room around for greater air circulation. Choose a position for the system that won’t jeopardize its function.

Your Stock In the Refrigerator Should be Organised Properly at all Times

If you do not have enough air circulating inside and around the refrigerator, it will not work efficiently. This implies that your stock should be organized to prevent spoiling. If the fridge is tightly crammed with a variety of items, misaligned, it won’t function as planned. The more disorganized your food and drink are before being put in the refrigerator, the less cold air can circulate around them, the most strain your system is under & the more it costs you at the end of the day.

Don’t Forget to Maintain your Refrigerator

Regardless of how old your business refrigeration system is, regular maintenance might make a huge difference in its efficiency. You can be confident that it will function effectively in any season with regular inspections and tune-ups by the team at All So Cool. This process also helps prevent problems from occurring in the future, saving you money on repairs.

Why Maintenance is So Important in Hospitality

In an ideal world, you’re dealing with preventative and reactive maintenance projects before you have a customer complain about them. Hospitality is all about creating a memorable experience for your patrons, for the right reasons. Preventative maintenance is incredibly important for fending off breakdowns and disruptions to your excellent service.

This is particularly true in your bars and kitchens. The last thing you want to do is keep a customer waiting because your beer lines need cleaning. Even worse, you wouldn’t want to risk a bout of food poisoning because your commercial refrigerators haven’t been maintained properly.

If you would like to perform more thorough checks on your systems to make sure your hospitality venue is up to scratch for the summer, chat to the team at All So Cool. We are your local fridge mechanic Gold Coast, and we can help you ensure your systems are in great condition before the holidays.

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